Many of the
benefits we receive from cars we take for granted. With that in mind, we thought we would draw
your attention to one of the areas in your car you probably take for granted
the most- the heater.
instrument that produces heat in your car is called a heater core. The heater core functions like a small
radiator. Coolant is pumped into the heater core via your water pump. The coolant flowing through the heater core
warms up as heat is drawn from the engine.

In fact,
some vehicles have a delay on them so the fan does not kick on until the
coolant in the heater core has reached the desired temperature. Without the delay you would get nothing but
cold air blowing through your vents until the coolant is warmed by the heater
Both heat
and air conditioning units are tied together with a door in the middle that
actuates to regulate hot and cool air.
When you move the temperature dial in your car the door moves to
increase or decrease the ratio of hot to cold air. Thus, allowing you to
control the temperature at which the air comes into your vehicle, much the same
way your shower/tub works at home.
malfunction of this actuator can make it seem like your heater is not
working. Some people have even gone and
replaced their entire heater core only to find out it was the actuating door
that was the problem!
If you have
more questions or have an issue with your heater that needs attention look no
further than the Olympia Automall. We
have over 12 dealerships representing 21 different vendors with service
departments to tend to your needs! You've done your homework, now make the call! When you are looking for new or used cars in Puyallup, WA come to the Olympia Auto Mall.
The Olympia Auto Mall –
Washington's Largest!!!
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